2011 – Chicago, IL

Pictures and memories from the 2011 Annual Meeting in Chicago.

This year, the traditional Memorial Day weekend meeting was held in Chicago. First stop was Argonne National Energy Laboratory where we got to see the high energy x-ray experiment hall, electric vehicle testing facility, and hear about new Li-air batteries. The evening ended for most of us at a jazz club.

Saturday started with the Urban Transportation Center at the University of Illinois, then a taste session at the first legal distillery in Chicago since Al Capone times. The Gasque was hosted in the very interesting Swedish-American Museum with good food, singing, drinking, speeches, and sharing of memories from the old country. The planned architectural river tour for Sunday afternoon was unfortunately cancelled due to high water level in the river.

You can find more pictures at the http://www.facebook.com/pages/US-Friends-of-Chalmers/188828037802703?sk=wall.