New Orleans, Louisiana, May 25-26, 2002.
Saturday’s party and Sunday’s annual meeting were held in Pernilla and Patrik’s charming home in The Garden District, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Patrik made sure we sang all evening… and for the singing there were some cold snaps.
It was herring for starters and New Orleans cuisine for the main course.
A very nice boat trip took us out into the Mississippi Delta. Herons and alligators lined our boat.
The skipper lured the alligators with marshmallows and loud shouts.
The annual meeting was held after breakfast on Sunday morning. Chairman Erland Magnusson held the club.
On Sunday night, we were a gang, going to downtown New Orleans.
We ate a good dinner and had a very nice time before we took a walk to see what Bourbon Street had to offer.